Tuesday, June 11, 2013

LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS | Dr. Gerald T. Hightower

Excerpts from the Love and Relationship Forum

GOD has created us as Men to be ?Hunters.? Thus, ?The Chase Is On? as it relates to our life?s goals, accomplishments & even the Women in our lives. But, The Question of the Day for the Men is: How long do we ?Pursue? a Woman before we finally decide is she is ?The One??

Prayer, Fasting and understanding our purpose

Ladies, having provided pastoral counseling to many couples, my feeling is this?if a MOG decides to wait for a while, it?s Ok as long as he is communicating with you. If he is waiting simply because he?s ?Still on the Hunt? it is NOT ok! I say waiting is Ok because, for many Men & Women who have been Single for a long time, our emotions can get the best of us if we?re not careful. Hence, we often times move hastily in the dating process & we haven?t taken enough time to MAKE SURE that this person is The One!

NONE OF US are perfect, how do you know when The One is REALLY The One? After all, many of us Felt, Thought & even ?Heard from the LORD? regarding past relationships! Prayer and fasting is key!

For MOG like myself, the demands of ministry can be great. However, a Man will make the necessary sacrifices for a Woman that he desires to be in his life! Senior Leadership can complicate things more than anyone can imagine, but LOVE compels you to overcome those complications. Adam was already operating in his Purpose BEFORE GOD created his ?Helpmeet!? However, total fulfillment of his Purpose & his ultimate destiny could NOT be realized until Eve came on the scene!

Sadly, many of us MOG have been guilty of ?Stringing A Woman Along? while being undecided about who he is, let alone where he?s going! This is why we should have ?Accountability Partners? outside of the person we?re courting so we don?t abuse a ?Good Thing? or prevent her from being found by a MOG who values the Woman and is really ready to marry her.

?Soul Mates? is perhaps an overly used expression, but it is an appropriate term in the proper relationship because it speaks to ?Oneness of Mind, Will & Emotions!? That is what the soul is comprised of.

Sis, Prayer should ALWAYS govern all decisions. If you are lacking ?The peace of GOD? due to him being in ?Limbo? re: his decision, then you must have the courage to walk away. However, a WOG must be patient & of course, be Spirit-led in doing so, not emotional. Without PRAYER we can get into serious trouble! As Forrest Gump said about a Box of Chocolates, ?Ya? never know what you?re gonna git!?

I share with WOG every chance I get, Don?t allow yourself to get connected to a MOG who is in ?Self-Discovery or Recovery!? A Man must have a true sense of Purpose, which requires him to spend intimate time with the Father. Until that happens, a WOG may find herself doing the ?Homey-Lover-Friend Thing!? The Red Flags will be his lack of ability to clearly articulate his Vision for a life with her, giving too much time & attention (flirting) with other Women, and being unwilling or unable to spiritually edify her. If he?s in Recovery mode, BACK UP & give him time to HEAL COMPLETELY & be Restored! Only then can a Man give a Woman the Love she needs & deserves!

A Woman who has a Consistent Prayer Life will not be easily deceived. Trust is like Soil?you MUST plant something in it to receive something from it! SELAH

Do not go outside the church to seek out a mate! That is satan?s strategy! The enemy wants us to become so discouraged & disenchanted with all the divorces & other things we?ve seen in the Church, that we go OUTSIDE of the Church to find our mates! However, ?There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.? (Proverbs 14:12)

We need more Men who will not pressure their Woman to ?Give up the cookies? & Women who are committed to keeping the ?cookies? hidden until Wedding Night!



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Source: http://drgeraldthightower.wordpress.com/2013/06/10/love-and-relationships-29/

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