Want The Bottom Line?You Need These Website Legal Forms BEFORE You Need These Website Legal Forms! Confused? This Email Will Clarify?You Wouldn?t Try To Buy Life Insurance AFTER A Loved One Passed Away, Would You?So, Please, Choose One Of The Following 2 Options Before It?s Too Late?Option 1: Write A Check For $1,500.00, Like This Guy Did:
2: Use Website Legal Forms Written By An Attorney, WITHOUT Having To Pay One?
Hey Folks, first I would like to tell you a little about myself?At the undergraduate and grad school levels I majored in Psychology & Theology. After scoring high on the Law School Admissions Test, I was awarded multiple full scholarships, including the Academic Merit Scholarship, and was selected as the Law School Chancellor?s Scholar Award recipient.
Jay Sekulow and The American Center For Law & Justice paid me to travel Eastern Europe surveying the legal process in Romania, Turkey, and Greece. Also lived in Sofia, Bulgaria for 2 months while working on a case before the European Court of Human Rights.
Then, in Western Europe, I attended conferences in the U.K. and studied International Law in Strasbourg, France. It was there that Jay Sekulow reserved a seat for me at dinner with him, the law school dean, and John Ashcroft. We had quite the fervent, though respectable, debate!
All of that stuff was fun, but my real calling is legal drafting ? contracts, business agreements, estate plans (wills & trusts), power of attorney, etc. I LOVE bringing to pass the legal documents that give birth to your desires, intentions, and expectations.
But I?m not just an attorney who finished in the top 4% of my class, my first website for Internet marketing purposes was launched back in 1999!
Recently I Publicly Offered My Website Legal Forms,And Here?s What Happened?
Or, If You?re Not The Statistical Type,This One Email Pretty Well Sums Up The Overwhelming Response.
This Will Probably Re-Open At $97 (Or More), Likely On Webinars,
But For Now I Present To You, And This Time Version 2.0
These Are Hand-Crafted Legal Forms.You Can Use On ALL Of Your Websites
NEW March 2012 regs will prompt the FTC to make an example of some folks. They will prosecute some marketers to scare the masses into good behavior.
If you?ve been wondering if ?borrowing? a Copyright Notice is Copyright infringement (), now?s the time to take proper precautions to protect you and your business (without worrying if your anti-lawsuit efforts are actually making you a litigation magnet)?
You will receive not 7, but EIGHT, cut & paste website legal forms in PDF, Microsoft Word, and TXT formats. These feature less ?passive voice? and more ?plain language? phrasing:
1. Anti-Spam Policy
2. Copyright Notice
3. Disclaimer: multi-discipline professional disclaimers
4. DMCA Compliance
5. Federal Trade Commission Compliance: a proprietary FTC page ready to accommodate March 2012 guidelines
6. Privacy Policy: Google & DoubleClick DART, etc.
7. Terms of Service & Conditions of Use: with inter- & intra-page redundancy, Contra Preferentum provision, reservation of rights, exclusive social media admonition (been following the Facebook lawsuits?)
8. Social Media Disclaimer: BRAND NEW! Building on the generalized warning (social media admonition) in the TOS & COU doc above, there?s now a more full-bodied caution to website visitors. I predict there will ongoing & escalating issues (which ultimately end up in court) over social media. The LAST thing we want is for someone to say we didn?t exercise due care in casting a warning before engaging ANY social media or similar interface on our sites. YOU SAW IT HERE FIRST!
Non-U.S. IM?ers doing ANY business in the U.S. should protect their sites this way
By The Way, Surely You Know Google?s New Privacy Policy And Terms Of Service Are In Effect As Of March 1, 2012? The Same Time The New FTC Regs Launch! Coincidence?
Seize This Opportunity To Get The Bulls-Eye Off YOUR Back!
Protect Your Business, And Your Family, Before It?s Too Late
(Here?s A Real Email I Received From A Customer)
Hi Scott,
I?ve got a problem and I?m hoping that you can help me shed some light on it.
I just bought your cut and paste legal forms.
Here?s my problem. I set up a website a couple of years ago for a plumber I know who was struggling financially and I was trying to help him out. The website was set up to automatically pull content into it about plumbing.
We are now being told that we are going to be sued unless we come up with $750 and take the website down. If we don?t comply then they will be taking us to court for $30,000.
I thought that it was ok to have automatic content coming into a site as long as you left it intact with the author.
Needless to say both of us are freaking out as neither one of us is in a good financial position at the moment.
These are ready to use right ?out-of-the-box?? or use the ?placeholder? version for easy 1, 2, 3 customization.
FREE Upgrade!
Because I want to sow some goodwill & earn personal capital with you, I?m not gonna bust your chops for a $17 Developer (or any other) license upsell.
Instead you?re getting an ?Everything? License ? unlimited, personal use on ALL your sites, client sites, flipped sites, your ebooks, physical products, etc.!
You will also have access to a special email alert system which provides updates of new or modified legal pages.
Here Are Some Of The Private Messages That Came Flooding In
Hey Scott? I?ve been lurking around WF for some time now but when I saw that you were offering this only to WF members I registered and even signed up for the War Room?
Thanks for getting back to me? I don?t usually promote WSOs?but this one was something that I felt everyone needed ! Thanks for trying to provide a great low cost solution to a serious?
Hi Scott, Welcome Aboard. I know you Yankies are fast on the trigger but I cant believe you have closed it already! The Buy Button is not working and no one is talking any longer! Please let me?
Hi Scott I was trying to get your latest WSO but found that the thread is CLOSED. What happen? How can I get a copy of your WSO then. Awaiting for you reply. Thanks!
thanks Scott, I bought it, thanks for creating it. Happy New Year.
Hi Scott I see your WSO is gone? Anyway I can get access to it still??
Hello Scott. Can?t wait till you get it back up. I?ve got a decent list that is VERY relevant to your WSO after the last product I just released on here: I know that my buyers would?
Thanks very much Scott. Regards
Hi I just read an email about this WSO and can?t find it anywhere, is it still possible to purchase the forms? Thanks
Everything worked out great. Thank you for checking back
Scott, Thanks brother! I got in yesterday? Got?em both. Look forward to reviewing this weekend. Happy New Year!
Hi Scott, All sorted ? thanks for your help, and thanks for a great product! Now all I have to do is tweak the copy to say ?United Kingdom?, and to figure out how arbitration works over here?!?
Thanks Scott! Appreciate the response. Happy New Year!!!
Yes indeed Scott, Sorry too here about the tech issues with ? It can be a pain in the butt some times, But don?t worry my friend you have a lot of warriors?
Hi J. Scott Talbert, Ran across your WSO??Cut and Past Legal Forms ?. Looks great and sales page reads like a trooper!! What are the chances of possibly receiving a review copy? I?m?
Hey Scott, I would like to promote your WSO to my WSO customers . I would highly appreciate if you could approve me as soon as it is convenient for you . Thanks,
Transaction complete. Thanks, Scott. All the Best for a Happy & Prosperous New Year!
Hi Scott ? Thank you for the extremely fast reply. I bought the OTO when I bought the WSO.
Hi Scott, Any luck with the Warrior Forum getting re-opened? Let me know if there is anything I can do for you?.not sure what will help?but if you think of anything I am in your corner! ?
Hi, I?ve been checking since last night, but I haven?t seen a buy button on your online legal documents WSO. And, now I see the thread is closed. Are you still offering the WSO? Best,
Hi there, Just saw your amazing WSO, but noticed it was closed or locked? Anywhoo, let me know if you re-open this offer as it was exactly what I have looking for. Feel free to drop me a note?
Thank you, I was actually able to buy last night from an affiliate. REALLY AWESOME stuff, thanks so much I always worry about the crappy legal stuff I had on my sites and now I no longer have to.
Okay. Thanks for your reply. Hope your WSO will be reopen REAL SOON AGAIN. Cheers!
All set my friend Thanks, I Picked up both? When are you re-launching, And at what price? Like to get the word out on your behalf
Have an ?Awesome New Years!? ~
Hey Scott, Just checking in to see what happened with your WSO? Seemed like a great offer and it was converting very well. I?ve had a lot of subscribers who wanted to buy that have emailed asking?
This looks like a very important WSO but I can?t find the buy button anywhere. Are my eyes failing me? Thanks.
Thanks Scott, keep me posted if you will Regards
Hi I saw your wso ?I.M./Attorney Permits PLAGIARISM of Cut & Paste Legal Forms On His 135+ Websites!? at: May I know is it still for sale? I can?t seems to see the purchase button. Pls?
Hi Scott I saw your WSO offer today but it is closed. Are you planning to open it again?
I am interested in your WSO but can?t find a Buy button. Thanks!
Hi Scott, I just heard about your WSO from 2 days ago and have been trying to figure out how to purchase it, but there?s no buy button on the (closed) thread, and the WSO link is timing out. ?
i am interested in buying your wso but the treat is closed any way i can aquire it thanks in advance
Hi Scott, I just received an email from XXX XXX regarding this offer, but when I visited the WSO it was closed already. Is there a possibility that I can still purchase a copy, please? ?
I just got a link from one of your affiliate promoters and the product looks great?One prob. There is no buy button today? Are you still offering this product? Thanks,
What happened to your offer? There is no ?buy? button and the thread is closed. Do you have it available somewhere else?
Is this offer still available? I am not seeing the buy button
Hi There, for some reason I can?t access your WSO to purchase: Can you help please and how much is the WSO? Thanks in advance.
hi by the time i am on your thread its closed?can you guide me some place where i can buy it.. regards
Hi Scott, I can?t find the buy button for your WSO? Would love to get it!
What happened to your WSO? It says the thread is closed. Let me know if this re-opens. Thanks,
Hi J.Scott, Welcome to the forum. That was quick, I must?ve just barely missed it ! I really want your WSO
I was going to purchase your product but now it is closed after 24 hours of being posted. Is there a problem? If not please tell me how I can purchase this. Thanks!
Dang Scott, I just got the email from XXX XXX and when I clicked on the link, your WSO is already closed! Will you be opening it up again soon?? I definitely want to take?
Hi, I would like to buy, but there is no buy button that I can see, it says 3 left, now it says 2 left. Is this still available to buy. thanks,
It went away very fast. Could you open it again?
Just found out about this offering, went to buy it and found it closed. Will it be reopening? Would love to buy it. Thanks,
Hi, I have been going over your offer and I am very interested in it, buy I cannot find a buy button.
Scott, I thought that I would purchase your WSO. When I scrolled down the page, I could find no price or order button on the page.
I?m trting to buy your WSO and have not been able to for 30+ minutes.
I was just sent an email about your legal forms WSO, is it closed? I don?t see a buy button.
would like to grab this ? going out for a couple hours to a movie; hope it?s open again when I get back cheers
Good Day! I saw your WSO you released today and attempted to purchase it this evening, but there was no buy button. Are you no longer offering your product? If you are, where can I purchase it? ?
Hi Scott, What part of the Ozarks are you in. I am in Rogers Wanted to snag the WSO, but when I got to the page it was already closed?!?!? Still would love to get it if there is some other?
Looked like a good one. Why on earth is it closed!? Please let me know if you reopen it, would like to promote it to my list. Many thanks,
Hi, Was going to purchase your WSO but it is closed now. What is going on? Are you going to open it back up? Regards
Hello Scott, We have been trying to buy your legal forms WSO, but I can?t get the order button to work. Every time I refresh the page I simply see the number of copies available at a price going?
Hey J Scott, Your WSO looks like it might be a great fit for my list. I like to check things out before I mail. Would you mind sending over a review copy? Best of luck with your launch.
How do I sign up as affiliate QUICK
Hi, Scott ! First of all,? thank you for the gift ? it was very much unexpected and therefore VERY much appreciated Secondly,? I ?am? blessed ? I have a wonderful family; my health is?
Hi, Scott ! From the sound of your greeting, should I assume you, too, are a Christian ? If so,? great If not,? just give me a little time
100% FREE Bonus Report -
Learn The Truth About LLC-Based Asset Protection
?Thanks the LLC information is probably one of the most important pieces of information I?ve learned so far. It?s amazing how a few changes can save your life.?
?Scott has saved me a lot of time and headache. His web legal forms are top quality and better than other packages I have purchased. Best of all Scott?s service is A++ and in 7 years of being online he does the best job communicating and answering questions. His input on LLC?s was invaluable and looking forward to his next products.?
Principles based on U.S. law & analogous to other countries? similar business entities (KG, SRL, LLP, BV)
Last year, a State Supreme Court sided with the FTC and forced LLC members to surrender their interests in their LLC to satisfy a 10 MILLION DOLLAR judgment? prompting meto write in the above book:?This highlights a disturbing trend that can prove lethal to the businesses of online marketers using an LLC with the false sense of security that they are safe from their business and the business is safe from them.?
And on December 8, 2011, a U.S. District Court awarded $2,500,000 in damages when the judgment was entered against a blogger found guilty of defamation? prompting a blog commenter to write:?I guess anyone posting OPINION or SATIRE on internet forums or comments sections of any web sties need to register themselves as an LLC these days. And you know.. that ain?t a bad idea.?
Source: http://iblog.at/terryfernandes/?p=6650
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